Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time to be arms wide open - gut wrenchingly honest

Why should I pay to do the 12 week challenge. This is why. Mish gets us to really look at the mindset behind the weight gain. She forces us to do the hard yards now and set ourselves up to succeed.

There are 8 tasks to do before we even START to do the weight loss part of the program. And there is a reason why. We go into the program ready. Not on an emotional "ARRGH I need to lose weight NOW" moment. But prepared and ready.

Task # 2 is getting real. Finding all the excuses we used for failing in the past and confronting them.

Last challenge I rushed this task. I didn't think I needed it.
Well now I am struggling with the same issues 17 or so weeks on ... it is time to get real.

Arms wide open - gut wrenchingly honest.

I will list my excuses later. Right now I am still working through them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm yet to conquer my list. Have watched the video twice, and thought on it while I did my walk today...I want to be in the right headspace to do it and get it right and GET REAL!!! Love your blog, have added it to my reader feed!
