Wednesday, August 10, 2011

There is no finish line!

Today is the end of round 2,2011 12wbt.

It has been a challenging round for many of us, and some absolutely incredible amazing results have been reached!
I am so proud of my little family.

Despite the challenges, I am still pretty proud of my efforts this round. No I didn't smash it out of the park, but I am lighter, stronger, and fitter than I was last round.

But the biggest change is in my mind. I know what I have to do to keep getting results, and I know my mind is in a good good place!

Despite all my challenges, I kept coming back to good clean food when I strayed.

Despite all my challenges, I kept training, sometimes with less focus but I trained.

Despite all my challenges I still ran.

I smashed goals.
I payed it forward.

I'm still here.

And now I'm ready to shine.

There IS no finish line.

There is NO off season.

Even though final weigh in has occured, nothing changes.

I still trained tonight.
I still set goals.

I still ate clean.

There is no finish line.

To me the time between rounds is a great time to test what we have learned. It lets us see our strengths, our weaknesses, and refocus and come back stronger.

Round 2 is over. I'm not even a little bit sad.

I have new challenges, and new adventures and I am not wasting ANY time.

Bring on round three!

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