Some very steep, very long stairs!
There is something very special about training with 12wbters - and today was NO exception!
There is always such a BUZZ in the air!
Big shout out to my driver and local team member who not only RAN the circuit but did it FIVE times (after a 430am wakeup call!)

It was hot, and sunny, then it was rainy ... I don't really think the weather knew WHAT it was doing!
And those stairs seemed an awful lot harder with a baby in your belly!

We wore red for heartkids, we wore our heart on our sleeve (or our face! - Thanks Ange for the facepainting!
It was an awesome time - donation are at $265 and rising! Doing our bit!

(BTW - check the bottom of the sign up the top - bubs is for bubs in utero (they count! - and dogs is for ... well ... the cutest puppies I have ever seen. One complete with a 12wbt tshirt!)

(BTW - check the bottom of the sign up the top - bubs is for bubs in utero (they count! - and dogs is for ... well ... the cutest puppies I have ever seen. One complete with a 12wbt tshirt!)
You can help support our cause by clicking on this link! Put QLD CREW in the comments!
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