Tuesday, November 13, 2012
All I want for Christmas ... (part 1)
Things are getting busy around here right now.
It's dance concert time (HELP!) :)
It's almost speech day. Christmas Carol's are playing in the stores. The trees are up in the shopping centres. No matter how much I try to deny it, Christmas is coming, and fast!
Which leads to the subject of presents. And I'm almost done there :) Thankfully.
I've also started to drop some pretty serious hints as to what I want for Christmas too.
There is nothing better than a gift that supports the lifestyle changes I have made, and this is one I really really want! (Dear Husband - are you listening)
I love the chance to read about real women running. I love the training plans. (and can I tell you I even love reading the advertisements! There are some pretty cool things out there in the world of running and more than one are ending up on my Christmas list!) The run downs of recently held fuun runs are awesome too in helping me to set my goals! City 2 surf - you are on my wish list!
And no trashy celebrity gossip in sight!
Women's Running have allowed me the chance to share this magazing with one of you too!
For a chance to win the Nov/Dec 2012 edition of Women's Running Australia enter below!
(Disclaimer: Women's Running Australia have given me two copies of Women's Running Australia - one to review and one to give away. The opinions above are my own and I received no payment for this review. I already read and love this magazine - the provision of product had no influence on my opinion at all :) )
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Organise and Diarise. Or should it be PRIORITISE?!
By George!
By George I think she's GOT IT!
There is wisdom in how Michelle Bridges has set up the 12wbt.
See those preseason tasks??
They aren't just there to fill time so she can get maximum numbers each round.
They aren't just there for fun - or so she can ask "But did you DO the preseason tasks" when you are struggling.
They are there - because they are something you need to do.
Even after multiple rounds - there is wisdom and learning in them.
Each round you grow. Each round your goals and priorities and circumstances change.
And if you do the tasks - as in REALLY do them properly - there is gold within.
PRESEASON TASK #6 - Organise and Diarise.
Seriously. I almost skipped it.
I mean let's be honest. I have 7 year old. A dance obsessed 7 year old. It's concert time! And a 13 week old fighterbabe! Organising my life is next to impossible right now! If it's going to happen - it just has to be flexible and fit in where it can.
And then I realised.
That method hasn't exactly seen me getting great results lately.
Yep - leaving things to chance and planning to be flexible IS NOT WORKING. It's not working - because like mothers the world over I tend to put everything else first - the house, the kids, the husband ... and try to "fit" my fitness in around it all.
And it doesn't work
So here I am DOING this task. Not only organising and diarising BUT PRIORITISING!
Putting my fitness on the must do list.|
Putting value on my health.
Because as much as I value my roles as wife and mother, there is more to me than that.
If you are a mum, or just a busy person, I'd love to hear how you prioritise your fitness in a busy world. Leave me a note in the comments xx
By George I think she's GOT IT!
There is wisdom in how Michelle Bridges has set up the 12wbt.
See those preseason tasks??
They aren't just there to fill time so she can get maximum numbers each round.
They aren't just there for fun - or so she can ask "But did you DO the preseason tasks" when you are struggling.
They are there - because they are something you need to do.
Even after multiple rounds - there is wisdom and learning in them.
Each round you grow. Each round your goals and priorities and circumstances change.
And if you do the tasks - as in REALLY do them properly - there is gold within.
PRESEASON TASK #6 - Organise and Diarise.
Seriously. I almost skipped it.
I mean let's be honest. I have 7 year old. A dance obsessed 7 year old. It's concert time! And a 13 week old fighterbabe! Organising my life is next to impossible right now! If it's going to happen - it just has to be flexible and fit in where it can.
And then I realised.
That method hasn't exactly seen me getting great results lately.
Yep - leaving things to chance and planning to be flexible IS NOT WORKING. It's not working - because like mothers the world over I tend to put everything else first - the house, the kids, the husband ... and try to "fit" my fitness in around it all.
And it doesn't work
So here I am DOING this task. Not only organising and diarising BUT PRIORITISING!
Putting my fitness on the must do list.|
Putting value on my health.
Because as much as I value my roles as wife and mother, there is more to me than that.
If you are a mum, or just a busy person, I'd love to hear how you prioritise your fitness in a busy world. Leave me a note in the comments xx
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Keeping it real ...
Today I was having a chat with my friend Kate (and a 12wbt legend she is!). The conversation ended with us agreeing that the one thing we do is keep it real. We tell our story - warts and all. (and sometimes there are some pretty ugly parts to it!) That's what you need to do if you want your story to show others they can change too.
In the spirit of that truth -today's post is dedicated to keeping it real.
Yes - I am back for round 4 of 12wbt.
I knew my body was going to change after my pregnancy.
I knew I would have weight to lose.
But honestly - I have more than just pregnancy weight to get gone.
Partly because I was more relaxed with my diet with pregnancy, partly because I had dreadful morning sickness that changed my eating habits (yes - I was still vomiting the day my waters broke), and partly due to the coffee shop at work and it's incredible date slice that tasted so good when I wasn't well ... I have more weight to lose than I would like.
I hoped that by the time I was 3 months post partum I would only have 5-7 kg to lose. That seemed realistic and doable to me.
But honestly. I have a good 15kg I want gone. And provided my milk supply isn't effected, I want the majority of them gone this round.
I'm posting this because so many of us lose weight, then go back to old habits and put weight back on. Maybe not all of it - but enough to know we are not where we want to be.
Guilt and berating yourself is not constructive.
It gets you nowhere. It won't get the weight gone.
The only thing that works is admitting it, taking a deep breath, and moving on.
And that's what I'm doing this round. Who's with me??
In the spirit of that truth -today's post is dedicated to keeping it real.
Yes - I am back for round 4 of 12wbt.
I knew my body was going to change after my pregnancy.
I knew I would have weight to lose.
But honestly - I have more than just pregnancy weight to get gone.
Partly because I was more relaxed with my diet with pregnancy, partly because I had dreadful morning sickness that changed my eating habits (yes - I was still vomiting the day my waters broke), and partly due to the coffee shop at work and it's incredible date slice that tasted so good when I wasn't well ... I have more weight to lose than I would like.
I hoped that by the time I was 3 months post partum I would only have 5-7 kg to lose. That seemed realistic and doable to me.
But honestly. I have a good 15kg I want gone. And provided my milk supply isn't effected, I want the majority of them gone this round.
I'm posting this because so many of us lose weight, then go back to old habits and put weight back on. Maybe not all of it - but enough to know we are not where we want to be.
Guilt and berating yourself is not constructive.
It gets you nowhere. It won't get the weight gone.
The only thing that works is admitting it, taking a deep breath, and moving on.
And that's what I'm doing this round. Who's with me??
Dear Brain. Please shut up.
Here's the thing.
I am ready.
I am ready to train.
I am ready to feel alive again!'
I am ready to feel fit. To feel strong. To feel like me.
Above all I want to run. But I have a problem.
My bloody brain gets in the way.
I want to be a runner again.
I want to feel that freedom.
And logically - it is the perfect answer for this mum of two. It is effective. It is time efficient. It is economical..
But that bloody brain keeps getting in the way.
It's going to hurt.
You're so unfit now.
You can't do it anymore.
You don't run.
You'll have to stop.
Well - the time has come.
I can keep using these thoughts ... these excuses as a reason to stay home.
Or I can put on those shoes, take a step out the door and run.
I might not go fast. I may not go far. I might not even accomplish what I have planned for the day.
But I'll be one day closer to my goals.
Today I was going to run.
I spent all day talking myself out of it.
I was out thinking my goals.
Then - just as the day ended, I laced up those shoes and I went.
It was slow.
It was only 2k.
At one stage Miss 7 was beating me.
But I didn't let the thinking get in the way.
One step closer to being a runner again.
I am ready.
I am ready to train.
I am ready to feel alive again!'
I am ready to feel fit. To feel strong. To feel like me.
Above all I want to run. But I have a problem.
My bloody brain gets in the way.
I want to be a runner again.
I want to feel that freedom.
And logically - it is the perfect answer for this mum of two. It is effective. It is time efficient. It is economical..
But that bloody brain keeps getting in the way.
It's going to hurt.
You're so unfit now.
You can't do it anymore.
You don't run.
You'll have to stop.
Well - the time has come.
I can keep using these thoughts ... these excuses as a reason to stay home.
Or I can put on those shoes, take a step out the door and run.
I might not go fast. I may not go far. I might not even accomplish what I have planned for the day.
But I'll be one day closer to my goals.
Today I was going to run.
I spent all day talking myself out of it.
I was out thinking my goals.
Then - just as the day ended, I laced up those shoes and I went.
It was slow.
It was only 2k.
At one stage Miss 7 was beating me.
But I didn't let the thinking get in the way.
One step closer to being a runner again.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
40 by 40
Inspired by similar blog posts from friends ... I am setting a list of 40 things I want to do by the time I am 40.
That's not that long. A little over 15 months away. So if I want to do it I need to get moving!
Not all of them are fitness/weightloss based. But it's funny that way. Find inspiration to change your life in one way ... and the flow on effect follows through to the rest of your world!
So here it is. My 40 by 40!
OHHHH And a bonus one! Because I missed it!!
41. Take part in a MUD RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(OK a bonus TWO)
42. Participate in a flash mob!!! YES!
What is on your list? What SHOULD be on your list?? I'd love to know!!
That's not that long. A little over 15 months away. So if I want to do it I need to get moving!
Not all of them are fitness/weightloss based. But it's funny that way. Find inspiration to change your life in one way ... and the flow on effect follows through to the rest of your world!
So here it is. My 40 by 40!
- Learn to run again
- Run the Mother's Day Classic again
- Attend another 12wbt finale
- Help grow the Warwick Crew to have regular SSS and mini milestones together.
- Learn to swim better
- Read a book for fun every month
- Change up my wardrobe. I want a lot less clothes but I what I have I want to match, work together and truly feel like my sense of style.
- Renovate our bathroom
- Develop an area in our home for a home workout zone and use it.
- Get back to my goal weight
- Run a half marathon. It might only be once but I want to know I can.
- Commence personal training qualifications
- Bushwalk at Girraween with the family
- Self publish a cookbook for parents to feed their kids great food!
- Take time to pamper myself
- Swim with the dolphins again
- Declutter my entire house and have one ALMIGHTY garage sale! #operationantihoard
- Have a non spend month (essential food/bills excluded)
- Get cracking in my garden. Make it attractive and easy to maintain
- Join a sports team
- Become a bootcamp regular again
- Try out the local boxing club
- Take my family camping for a whole week
- Start having a weekly mummy/daughter date with Miss 7. We are close - I want to keep it that way.
- Decide if I want to study my RNs. If it's a yes get started on it.
- Run in the Variety Santa Run
- Buy a dress that makes me feel incredibly glamourous!!
- And find a pair of jeans that are not only comfortable but make me feel incredible!
- Find an area to volunteer and commit
- Find a church I really love to attend
- Try Once a month cooking and see if it works for us.
- Keep the girl's photo books up to date
- Start to send both sets of grandparents a weekly update on how the girls are doing
- Study to be an Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) counsellor
- Find ways to use the blog to help other people conquer the weight battle and change their lives
- Go to the Gympie Muster again
- Finish compiling the family tree research I have done into something that can be given to family
- Attend a cooking class at the Spirit House
- Have one tech free day a week (gulp!)
- Take my husband away for a romantic weekend :)
OHHHH And a bonus one! Because I missed it!!
41. Take part in a MUD RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(OK a bonus TWO)
42. Participate in a flash mob!!! YES!
What is on your list? What SHOULD be on your list?? I'd love to know!!
Preseason tasks ... Gearing up
This is my favourite preseason task.
I kind of like to shop :)
Problem is - after several rounds of 12wbt I don't REALLY need to gear up ;)
I have my shoes (new ones coming too!). I have my heart rate monitor. I have the apps I use to track my progress. I have a gym I attend. Home weights. I'm set.
But what I wanted was a reminder.
A reminder of the tenacity, the grit, the courage that helped me reach my goal in the first place.
And that will bring me back to being my strongest fittest me yet.
When I saw these shirts I knew I'd found what I needed.

The words are a reminder.
On my body I will wear a reminder of the strength I have inside.
Another task done.
One more week till kick off.
I'm ready.
I kind of like to shop :)
Problem is - after several rounds of 12wbt I don't REALLY need to gear up ;)
I have my shoes (new ones coming too!). I have my heart rate monitor. I have the apps I use to track my progress. I have a gym I attend. Home weights. I'm set.
But what I wanted was a reminder.
A reminder of the tenacity, the grit, the courage that helped me reach my goal in the first place.
And that will bring me back to being my strongest fittest me yet.
When I saw these shirts I knew I'd found what I needed.
The words are a reminder.
On my body I will wear a reminder of the strength I have inside.
Another task done.
One more week till kick off.
I'm ready.
Courage2start is on twitter!
I finally did it.
The blog has it's own twitter profile.
Twitter has been an amazing tool to link me to like minded friends - people passionate about their health and fitness.
And now - through the blog's twitter page I can keep you up to date with my progress on Round 4 of 12wbt. It seems there might be some giveaways in the works too!
Come follow on twitter at @Courage2start
I finally did it.
The blog has it's own twitter profile.
Twitter has been an amazing tool to link me to like minded friends - people passionate about their health and fitness.
And now - through the blog's twitter page I can keep you up to date with my progress on Round 4 of 12wbt. It seems there might be some giveaways in the works too!
Come follow on twitter at @Courage2start
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Shouting it out loud!
My commitment - round 4 2012 12wbt.
Yes - it's confirmed! I'm in for round 4!!
I really wasn't sure - but the teasers for the Christmas menu, and some new features coming, as well as new mindset videos tempted me.
Then finale in Brisbane!!
I'm THERE!!!
So I am madly working my preseason tasks. Cause we know they are important.
And here I am to you - saying it out loud.
My commitment to round 4 2012.
This round I am living the round as a champion. I have no desire to get on stage - but I am living my round as a winner. I am doing what it takes to be a champion.
I am not taking things for granted. I am not going to "assume" I know it because I've done it before.
This round I am going back to basics - and listening to Mish
I will WATCH the mindset lessons - and download them as podcasts for when I walk.
I will FOLLOW Mish's menu plan
I will FOLLOW her exercise program. She wrote these for a reason.
I will actually do my before photo - and my measurements.
I will complete my fitness test.
I will do my SSS and my mini and major milestones.
In short - I will FOLLOW the program I've commited to.
And in February - I will have no regrets.
What's your commitment to yourself and the program?? I'd love to hear! Comment below!
Get ready ... Queensland is going to UNLEASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring it ON! Finale round 4 of 12wbt is coming to QUEENSLAND! Beautiful one day ... perfect the next!
Come and train (in AIR CON!) in the heart of Brisbane!!
Queensland is ready for you! We are going to UNLEASH our inner AWESOME and give you the best finale ever!
To connect with other 12wbters coming to Qld come join this facebook page HERE - it will let you know all the official (and unofficial) events - and help you get the inside knowledge on our beautiful state!
See you in February!
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