Sunday, July 1, 2012

No Junk July!

Oh how I need this! I am joining with the incredible LIZ from in a challenge for this month ... NO JUNK JULY!

As always - I am claiming participation NOT perfection! I am starting day TWO due to hearing about it far too late to undo the damage of a weekend away at the Gold Coast for the Gold Coast marathon series.

As soon as I read Liz's blog post I was IN! Aiming for a month of clean eating - but also environmentally sustainable food where possible! What's to lose!

The last few weeks of pregnancy I haven't been eating as well as I have wanted. And I'm feeling it.

But there is nothing like a few days away eating out to get me back on track. It makes me CRAVE fruit and veges like a woman possessed!!!

So I'm in! Are you? Check in with Liz at
Leave me a comment here or on facebook to let me know you are in too!

And use the hashtag on twitter #Nojunkjuly so we can find your posts!

THIS was my lunch today. Salad, salad, salad, sustainably fished tuna, and a peppermint and red raspberry leaf tea. (yep it's 3rd trimester)

After devouring winter strawberries for morning tea, and home baked whole meal toast for breakfast I'm feeling good.

#Nojunkjuly ! Don't let bad winter habits take hold!


  1. "I am claiming participation NOT perfection!"

    I LOVE this!!! It is definitely something I need to remember!!

  2. I am definitely in, Cath. I will post about this on my blog too - great idea. Good clean food to support our immune systems and ward of winter nasties!!

  3. I love this quote too Kath, just awesome! One for me to keep along with "feeling like a rockstar" (I pull this one out for my classes and I love it).

    Tuna salad looks amazing - it's so worth the effort to eat well.
