Friday, March 1, 2013

shh (I'm back - but don't tell!)


I'm back blogging.

I needed the break bigtime.

Problem is - it was too long a break from everything that makes me strong and healthy and me.

So I am back.

I love the act of blogging.
Of how it encourages me to be more and do more.

But this time - it is not to promote any program or my success in it - it is for me.

I still love Mish and the 12wbt ... but it is time to do it my way.

So here I am.


I want to feel that fire. That fight. That desire to be all I can be.

Right now - how I feel makes me sad and I will not be there any longer.

Today is the day I step forward.

Today is the day I choose life when I choose what I do, what I eat , how I live.

Today is the day I realise I need to find time for me to sit in peace. And quiet.
No people no phones no distractions.

I'm back.

If you want to continue to follow my journey - here it is <3

Thank you.

No facebook shoutouts. No tweets. Just my heart here on the page.

It's nice to see you again


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!!! The act of blogging is therapy in itself:) Of course nice to have page hits too - lol
