Saturday, October 1, 2011

Round three blogging challenge WK 3! FIND THE JOY!

Have I told you this week was tough yet? About a million times? Yep sorry about that.

It got me thinking though ... as was struggling to smile, and to find my joy again, I really had to fight old habits. No matter how sad I was, my JOY was not going to be found again in food. No way. No how.

And Im sure I'm not the only one to have used food in the past to cope with sad or stressful situations. Chocolate? Wine? Carbs? What's your poison?

So this week's blogging challenge is to FIND YOUR JOY!

Make me a list.

Or as my Gran used to say - count your blessings - every one.

Make me a list of all the NON FOOD self nurturing things that bring you joy. Count your blessings.

Then print it out.

When times are tough try turning to it.

Let's get the joy going around!

And don't forget to link your blog here!

Links to previous challenges and responses are! Never too late to join in. Just jump in where you are!

1 comment:

  1. Trying to link onto my page but it won't let me. My blog is
